Rice is one of the most versatile dishes globally and can be cooked in several ways to make its taste different. This dish can also be made from different vegetables and spices. Cooking rice is very easy and the best food for beginners to learn. Eating rice is also very healthy for a person and handy in several other ways.
Rice is very easy to cook due to its easy cooking method, and it is also quite hard to make it incorrectly. There is a variety of rice available in the market and online shopping websites from where people can buy it. Rice is also famous among poor people due to its low price. Mentioned below are the steps by which one can make rice very easily and some of the hacks that can make a person`s life easy.
Easy way to cook rice
Before cooking rice, the most important step is to soak it completely underwater and rinse it for some time. After letting the rice rinse in the water, one must drown the water with the help of a filter and completely let the water strain. This process is very important for letting the rice release its starch to make it even more fluffy and tasty. Another important aspect is cooking rice and adding water in two for the water and one for the rice in a pan.
Furthermore, add salt and other spices according to one`s taste. However, the salt is added after the water is brought to a boil. Rice is kept on a low flame to cook for some time. A person needs to close the lid completely, and one should also not check the rice or stir it while cooking. After the rice is completely cooked, one should let it rest for some time for its flavors to settle down. Then, one can eat their rice and enjoy its flavor with other additions to enhance its flavor.
Life hacks in which rice can be used
There are several ways in which rice can be used in a person`s life, anywhere from dry rice to cooked rice in several different ways one can think of. Rice can also be used as a medium for absorbing bad smells from places such as a closet or a refrigerator after it smells bad. Rice is also very good for drying as it is very quick to suck moisture from the air or an object. Thus it can be used for drying things such as a mobile phone or even a pen drive or card.
One of the problems that people face is that the salt shaker gets jammed by the salt, which can be fixed with the help of rice in it. Due to the variety of rice available, people can also make a healthy diet, such as brown rice. Rice can also be used as an addition to any dish due to its versatile flavor, along with dishes that have a broth in them.